Mother's day
Mother's Day
What is the spiritual meaning of Mothers Day?
My dear mommys out there you all are great in your own ways. Someone wrote a song in Tamil sometimes back that means,
There can be a spoiled sister
There can be a worthless wife
There can be an useless daughter
There can be an untrusthworthy friend
There can't be a mother with a bad intentions.
Read on the below something i found in the nets okay. Its not my creation but i just want to say i doi agree with some of the contents.
Mother's Day has no spiritual meaning like many such celebrations
Mother's Day serves the ego of all mothers - nothing more and nothing less !!!
Do you as a mother or father really want children to pay you in one way or another for allowing you to be loved, for giving your life content and sense, for being there with you when you need a hug or love to play and enjoy life ??
When we look at the situation of mothers - and the very same applies to all fathers - then we see ...
- there is no mother without father
- there is no mother without baby
- there is no obligation or force to have children
- having children was the decision of mothers - when selecting to have a partner
- all mothers have the choice of remaining single all life - and hence without children all life
- it never is a work to be mother but a privilege to be mother
- it is a privilege - a divine gift from God to have children
- it is a privilege to welcome children as a source of joy, love and sunshine in the life of mothers and fathers
- life without children is like fields without flowers - empty of beauty and empty of joy
- as it is the children to give sense to the life of all mothers - and fathers alike
- life without children is a life empty of purpose for future
- what is your life as mother - and as father alike - worth if you have no one to share with, to give, to enjoy life, to look at
- what is the worth and content of your life as a mother if you have no baby accepting your love in full, absorbing your breast milk and hence love, eating your cookies and cakes, allowing you to prepare most preferred food for your loved children day by day ??
- what is the content and joy of life if husband is far away immersed in his career and money making, while you are hungry for love - hungry to give love, hungry to receive love and all that is left are ... emptiness because of absence of children ??
- what is the content of your life as fathers if after your daily work you come home and no children scream of joy seeing you and run into your arms with their baby arms open like wings of angels ??
- what is the purpose of working hard, of suffering, of going through pain and solitude of working harder than previous generations - for a better world - if no children are there to enjoy that better world ???
Hence - as the essence of above facts:
Why shall children be grateful for having mothers if in reality the mothers are receiving infinite treasures of love from their children ??
Why shall fathers be grateful to mothers - if mothers enjoy being mothers ?
having children - for both - mothers and fathers is a gift - a treasure that makes your life valuable.
thus ..
neither children - nor mothers nor fathers need to be grateful to each other ! Gratitude is a pure and exclusive manifestation of ego. Instead - be happy to be mother - and remember or imagine how poor your life would be without your children.
God - once a very very long time ago - a time frame beyond imagination of mortal humans - was alone without same of kind. Hence for his very own joy Father created son, and son wished to have wife - and both wished to have children - many children ...
Billions and more years have past since - and all involved in such human creation still feel and know:
- it was and still is the most beautiful gift of love to have children
- to be allowed to accommodate and welcome children in your life
- to share all with your children and all other children of all other parents
- to give your children all your experiences, knowledge and wealth
- to receive from your children millions of other, different experiences and different treasures and wealth from their own ways of living
From the spiritual point of view - a Mother's Day is a day when all should love all - when all shall become aware how boring and how empty life without all others would be. Mothers and fathers alike could turn mother's day into a day to spoil their children - to give to their children what they receive all year from their children - time and love in abundance.
Share mother's day with your children and allow your children to wish how mother's day is spent instead of allowing your mother's pride and ego take control of such a spiritual day - a day of love ! Every day is and always should be mother's day, father's day and children's day - like every day should be Christmas day !!! Every day should be a day to fully be aware of the spiritual value and beauty of life with your family as compared and opposed to a possible life in emptiness and solitude, a life in isolation - just you and nothing and nobody else ... ??!!!