Whats the issue??
Whats the issue? Wow plenty i guess!
I know now how difficult it is to maintain a blog. Middle of work, travelling, family and Facebook most of all. Last i check there were about 900 pg views for my blog but comments were only 2! And one of them was my own. hahahah! Embarrassing! But it’s not compulsory to comment right! Maybe i can try design a program that will change those read in never leave comments into a frog!! Hahah! Also i don’t think i have written anything that worth reading so far! Yeah yeah i know!
Well im trying to write at least one 'something' in a month. or maybe i should just copy n paste like lot of others! Hello, before you jump, it’s not poking ok! Those bloggers who copy and paste, i know how much time they spend searching the net for something worth 'copy n paste'! At least i know one blogger and i like the blog!
AND how come every blog i open look nicer, colorful and tidier than mine!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So u say i am having issues with myself then! Well hope its look better now!
What else the issue here.... Well are we, the Malaysian men are really that bad? Be it MIC (Malay Indian Chinese la) or lain lain?!? Like we really don’t have a brain at all. Well some of the stories that i heard and hearing keep giving me the same impressions. Especially from the women's point of view. Men work and women stay at home taking care of the family. But when the men couldn’t give much attention to the family due to the nature of their work they become useless!!! Come on! ANW this is not why they become useless in the eyes of the ladies but some of us really are pricks! And i don’t want to spell out the things that make them one here but they knew. Maybe some woman folks can list out in the comments below why they think men are useless and deserve to be treated like cows.
But my question to the women folks who have been affected by the useless men's behavior is 'why are you all still with these useless men? after 5, 10 or even 15yrs?' Either change them using some kind of shock treatment or leave them! If you choose to be with them for whatever reason after so many years of abuse or mistreatment or blah blah blah then don’t complain la! Don’t go write everywhere in Facebook that men are like this and men are like that! If u r still with them then u r with them! Otherwise stop complaining. Same goes to men also!
Now what actually what i wanted to write?
Hmmmmm the never ending cases of corruption, mismanagement of public funds, misuse of public agencies, promises that were never fulfilled, blatant lies by the people chosen by people, one sided MSM report, one sided treatment, rotten to the core system… well are this all not our issues? Think about it. It’s not all rosy and ruddy as claimed by some people up there. Jeez… I still couldn’t forget that finger! Yeap that finger…. With a XX million ring. I didn’t put the figure cause it is obscene to even think about that amount is on someone’s finger while me and my kind struggling to cope up with our life due to rising cost of living. Is it not our issue!!!
Now what I wanted to say!!
Yeap bravo to our young tigers, it’s not an issue though for now. We have been among the best in the region and on par with Ghana and South Korea once upon a time. Look where are they now! Both have reached knockout stages in World Cup and champions of the continents! All those Merdeka Cups! But did finally someone high up there decided that it’s ok to let the people who really know about football run the show!! What happened the last 30 or so years. Are our players suddenly become better than other country players? Obviously we all know what’s the sickness that has been killing soccer in Malaysia. I can’t help think what Malaysian football could have achieved during the last 3 decades if not for all the interference and mismanagement and corruption and match fixing and so on. Am I being optimistic that this trend will prevail? Yeah why not? Just stay away from football, you politicians and what not!!
Well done to men’s 4 X 400m relay team. MAAU, shame on you but somebody doing something called postmortem on this case and on the overall performance of our contingent? Sepak Takraw,… now that’s an issue!
This is a real issue!
Why the heck the police or any other agencies like JPJ are so adamant that they want to have their road blocks at some inconspicuous junction or dangerous corners or below the bridge or in the middle of the highway??? They expect the cars to come to a complete halt in less than 6 seconds.. especially at night!!! Either they don’t have concern for their own safety or the drivers.
Encik, pergi mana encik?
Sendiri ke? (looking at the Perak registration plate)
Yeah la. Saya dah besar, jadi tak nak bawa bapak I!
(now his smiling face turned sour) Encik license encik!
(reluctantly) looking for it in the purse and taking own sweet times.
By the time I hand over the license I can see annoyance in his face. Now what else he can do to me! You causing so much of nuisance and inconvenient to others and now can’t wait a few seconds longer!
Now this is what I really want to say for now…
Good night…