How long???
Ladies, why some of you like to stick to a marriage that sucks? Why some of you still want to live with an abusive husband and who never respect or appreciate you in anyway and treat women like trash? The men come back home for a quickie or otherwise according to their mood, even expecting the wives to go down on them all the times and after everything is finished they just go. Leave you to be alone all by yourselves sometimes for the whole night. Never involved in any other domestic matters. Sound familiar girls? Yeah if it is not treating someone like trash then I don’t know what it is. How many years you need, to know that you are being abused either physically or emotionally? A friend I know, an educated one, she has to wait for 8 yrs or so to get out of her marriage. Even then it was not her who initiated it but him. This was after she supported him to become someone and bore him a child. The guy even humiliated her in public due to her plus size. During the divorcing pro...