Malaysian General Election GE14 (2018)

So, That fever again. Election fever. 

EC has announced earlier today as below:-

Pilihanraya Umum 14

Hari Penamaan Calon
28/04/2018 (Sabtu)

Hari Mengundi Awal
05/05/2018 (Sabtu)

Hari Mengundi
09/05/2018 (Rabu)

Tempoh Berkempen
11 hari

Never in the Malaysian history the expectation is so high for opposition to do well and remove BN from power. It is so high that some think it is already a forgone conclusion that BN will loose for sure.
I still remember in 2013 GE13 when i was really expecting a win for PH (PR at that time). The whole day was so full of anticipation. I was so sure the people have voted and exercised their rights, correctly this time. My way of saying they have voted for PR. Yes they may have voted for PR. And i am sure 110% that they have.

Then the results came out.... purposely the results from East Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak were being released one by one. (fixed deposit). I had my suspicions that something fishy is going on. N on another side DSAI keep telling and announcing that PR had won the GE13!
So what happened?
What happened was BLACKOUT happened lah! Suddenly some of the counting polls stations had blackouts! The stations where the BN candidates were lacking behind! Then the elctricity was re-stored and guess what!??? Suddenly all the candidates who were behind now winning!! Magic!

YES it was!

Then rest was history. BN in power again despite of many protest by PR supporters and leaders, NOT on the streets though, somehow we the PR supporters were still thinking using our brain on top rather that our lututs!

That was really a bitter experience for me. I cried, i cried hugging my kids, i cried thinking about their future in particular, about Malaysians' future in general. Later on i remember calling my closest friend and both were crying on the phone! I cant believe they done it again! Its a daylight robbery. At some places there openly bringing in new ballot boxes at the last minutes. There were blackouts. There were last minutes changing in vote counts! What happened! Everybody knows but all could just keep quiet.

They won alas with reduced majority in Parliament! They won with less popular votes. N they ruled the country as per their whims last 5 years.

In between they jailed DSAI, they made lot of people silence, they put Rafifi in jail (alas he is still outside pending his sentencing or appeal, i am not sure) He is not contending in this GE though. He has been a voice against the establishment. He has been a strong voice for the weakens. He has bring out few scandals for which he was tried and jailed.

Now the time has come again! So many obstacles, so many brickbats, so many many many walls the opposition have to face, in the medias, Parliament, in their own constituents, MACC, PDRM, ROS etc etc, the whole ruling government tool have been used against them including new rules such as fakenews and re-delineation.  All for what? All to maintain their rule of last 65 years. They have been very used to their lifestyle that they cant think of anything other than try to maintain their power, by hook or crook.

They know for sure that people (majority of them at least) hate them to guts for so many reasons. But they dont care.

What can i do if they use same tactics like last election to maintain power? They have already used some different tactics this time around. 1st de-registration of Parti Pribumi temporarily which means the party lead by Dr.Mahathir become dysfunction  for the whole period of GE! It will be at least a month or more for them to be allowed to function again, IF AT ALL! But little they realized that the whole opposition parties will suddenly come to an agreement to use PKR logo in this election.
Then they announced the dissolution of parliament which means the election have to be in the next 60 days and practically bring the parti pribumi to its knees and expecting the support by the Malay community to Dr.Mahathir to reduced. But that is not the case.

Then come their masterpiece. As far i as know very seldom the GE will be held in the weekdays. furthermore in the middle of the week on Wednesday!!!! Last it was held on Monday and/or Tuesday! Last held on Wed was in 1955 and 1959 when Malaysia was still Malaya.

So whats the purpose of having this time around on Wednesday? expecting low voters turnaround?
Expecting voters to get demoralized and dont come back to vote? especially those staying outside of the country?
Expecting also the civil servants not to travel as well? due to middle of the week? Any low turnout is better for BN? Come on!!!!

You cant use all your power at one time! Where is the level playing field here?

Voters please go out, go back and vote.



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