Whats the issue??
Whats the issue? Wow plenty i guess! I know now how difficult it is to maintain a blog. Middle of work, travelling, family and Facebook most of all. Last i check there were about 900 pg views for my blog but comments were only 2! And one of them was my own. hahahah! Embarrassing! But it’s not compulsory to comment right! Maybe i can try design a program that will change those read in never leave comments into a frog!! Hahah! Also i don’t think i have written anything that worth reading so far! Yeah yeah i know! Well im trying to write at least one 'something' in a month. or maybe i should just copy n paste like lot of others! Hello, before you jump, it’s not poking ok! Those bloggers who copy and paste, i know how much time they spend searching the net for something worth 'copy n paste'! At least i know one blogger and i like the blog! AND how come every blog i open look nicer, colorful and tidier than mine!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So u say i a...